This is a list of all of the articles relating to the concept of variables.
This lesson is a little different. We want to show you some tips, that you can use to make programming just a little bit simpler.
To learn how to use variables to read input from the keyboard
To practice using the patterns for integer and string type variables in Go.
To introduce variables for integers and strings in Go.
To learn how to use variables to read input from the keyboard.
The class will learn one pattern for reading strings and numbers that have been typed at the keyboard by the user.
The class will then practice these patterns with the hellostranger
Creating these program will require the class to use the text editor (either Atom or LiteIDE) to create and save the source code file and the terminal/command line to run their program.
To practice using the patterns for integer and string type variables in Go.
The objective is to get the class to write a Go program that use variables.
Creating these program will require the class to use the text editor (either Atom or LiteIDE) to create and save the source code file and the terminal/command line to run their program.
In the last two lessons we introduced variables. Now we are going to put variables to work.
In this lesson we are going to show you how to use variables to remember what you have typed at the keyboard. We will introduce the pattern for going this.
The objective is to introduce the concept of a variable to the class.
The objective is to get the class to write a Go program to print strings to the terminal using the two different approaches that Go provides.
Creating this program will require the class to use the text editor (either Atom or LiteIDE) to create and save the source code file and the terminal/command line to run their program.
You are going to practice declaring and assigning values to variables in this lesson. This will help you learn the patterns for variable declaration and variable assignment.
In this lesson we are going to introduce variables. Computer programs use variables to remember things. Think of a word processor. The computer has to remember the words that you type. The word processor program uses variables for this.
We are going to show you the rules for variables and the patterns you need to use them in your programs.
Computers are used to process data. All data is made up of numbers. Yes, really! Everything is just a bunch of numbers to a computer. These are the only things they understand.
We are going to explain how numbers are used in Go programs. Then we are going to show you how to do type sums in Go.