Atom is the Same Everywhere

Now you have Atom installed on your computer you need to configure it to use Go. This process is the same for computer running Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.

Installing Go-Plus

We are going to install an Atom package. A package is a little program that a programmer is written to extend or add a feature to the Atom editor.

To do this we need to open the “Settings” window. On Windows this is called Settings and is in the File menu. On Mac OS X….. On Linus this is called Preferences and is in the Edit menu.


Once the Settings window appears

Atom Settings Window

You need to click on the Install button on the left hand panel.

Atom Install Package

In the search box type go-plus. The Go plus package should be the first search result.

Atom Go Plus Search Result

Now click on the blue Install button beside go-plus to start the install. Or click on the go-plus search result, and then click on the install.

Once go-plus has installed you will see the the blue Install button has changed to three buttons, Settings, Uninstall or Disable.

Go Plus install complete.

Now click settings.

If you installed go-plus by first clicking on the search result then you will already be in the settings Window.

Go Plus Setings Window

We don’t need to change any of the options. So you can now close the settings window.

Installing Autocomplete-Plus

If you like you can also install the Autocomplete-Plus package. You do not require this package to use Go or Atom but if you install it it will reduce the amount of typing you have to do.

Go back to the settings instal package screen. If you are still in the Go Plus settings screen you need to click Install in the panel on the left.

This time search for autocomplete-plus You will need to scroll down the list of search results until you find the autocomplete-plus package.

Autocomplete Plus Package

Again you need to either click on the blue “Install” button to start the install.

Once Autocomplete-Plus is installed you will see the settings screen. You don’t need to change anything so you can just close the settings window.

Trying it out


Featured Lesson


What You are Going to Learn?

Computers are used to process data. All data is made up of numbers. Yes, really! Everything is just a bunch of numbers to a computer. These are the only things they understand.

We are going to explain how numbers are used in Go programs. Then we are going to show you how to do type sums in Go.